Workplace Communication

Workplace Communication

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Workplace communication is how employees interact with each other in an organization and exchange their ideas and information. Therefore, it is very critical for all employees to communicate effectively to increase productivity at the workplace.

Communication at the workplace is essential for employees to get the desired results. If they don’t communicate with each other as a team, they can’t achieve their goals and targets.

When a manager divides a significant task into smaller sections in a meeting and assigns all these sections to different employees as per their skills, then there are more chances that the job will be accomplished as soon as possible with accuracy. It’s an example of effective workplace communication.

In this blog, we will provide information about the importance of workplace communication, workplace communications skills, workplace communication styles, how to improve workplace communication, types of communication in the workplace, workplace communication strategies, workplace communication barriers, and books on workplace communication.

Importance of workplace communication

Workplace communication is essential for an organization to work and grow. Here, we have listed a few points that explain why workplace communication is critical.

Importance of workplace communication
  • Engage employees and increase productivity.

When communication between employees is good at the workplace, employees feel more motivated because their manager takes regular updates. What are they doing? And also keep them updated with the new projects, hirings, scope of promotion and a lot more. When employees are motivated towards their job, it is more evident that productivity will increase.

  • Generate new ideas and skills

When communication between employees and managers is good, then they bring up new ideas to solve the issues and excellent skills to finish a job effectively in a less period. 

  • Provides a positive and friendly work atmosphere 

Any employee likes to work in a friendly work environment. So if communication is better at a workplace, so employees connect with each other, they become friends, working among friends is more effortless and productive than working with strangers.

If they feel they need someone’s help to resolve an issue, they can easily ask for help from anyone.

  • Helps in building strong teams

Teamwork and collaboration are the keys to building effective teams. For example, you give the employees authority to interact with other employees to resolve their problems. It helps them make more effective and productive teams.

  • Effective management 

Managers who communicate well manage their teams better. If you’re a good communicator, delegating tasks, managing conflicts, motivating your employees, and building relationships (all manager responsibilities) become significantly easier.

Communicating means more than just talking to people; it means empowering them to speak to one another. Therefore, it provides a channel for people to communicate effectively with one another.

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  • Allows everyone to speak out  

A major part of employee satisfaction is the ability of employees to voice their opinions and ideas, whether it’s to suggest something new or file a complaint. In addition, the ability to freely communicate with colleagues, peers, and superiors must be available to everyone, regardless of level.

Workplace communication skills

A recruiter and hiring manager want to see these top ten communication skills on your resume and cover letter. During the job interview, demonstrate these skills, and this will give you an excellent first impression. If you keep developing these skills once you’re hired, your business partner, colleagues, and clients will be impressed.

Workplace communication skills

1. Listening skills

Being a good listener will encourage you to be a better communicator. Communication is challenging if a person does not take the time to listen to the other person’s opinions. In addition, it will be difficult for you to understand what’s being asked of you if you’re not a good listener. 

Listen attentively to what the others are saying. By actively listening to the other person, you pay close attention to their words, ask clarifying questions, and rephrase their phrases so that they will think you are listening actively. When you practice active listening, you will understand better what the other person is saying and respond appropriately.

2. Empathy

Understanding and empathizing with others is the most important thing anyone can do after listening. Putting yourself in people’s shoes can help you better understand how they feel, understand their frustrations, and better communicate with them.

3. Keep your message clear and short.

A good communicator doesn’t talk too much or too little – they say just enough. Whenever possible, keep your message brief. Whether talking face to face in person, by telephone, or via email, when you speak to someone, make sure that you express yourself clearly and directly. 

You may lose your listener if you ramble on too long, or they may not understand what exactly you mean. Therefore, before you speak, consider what you want to say. By doing so, you will avoid talking excessively and confusing your audience.

4. Nonverbal form of communication

The way you express yourself through your body language, eye contact, hand gestures, and tone all go a long way to defining what you are trying to say. You will appear more approachable by assuming a relaxed stance (arms open, legs relaxed) and speaking in a friendly tone. 

The eye contact you make in a conversation should also convey your attention and focus. You should be aware of the non-verbal signals that your partner makes. People often express their true feelings through nonverbal cues. The person might be hiding the truth or feeling uncomfortable if they are not looking at you.

5. Having patience

Patience is the most effective communication skill at the workplace; every employee should possess. For example, sometimes any client or customer isn’t satisfied with our services. Then customers can say horrible things about our organization and start yelling at us. In that case, patience helps us the most to stay calm and relaxed.

6. Being positive

By keeping a positive attitude, you will find that life is more enjoyable and easier for you and others around you. When you’re optimistic, you tend to assume things can be done and problems can be solved rather than that they can’t. Finding the good in something makes you feel better.

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7.Being open-minded

To be a good communicator, one must be flexible and open-minded in their approach to any conversation. Instead of simply conveying your message, be open to learning about the other person’s point of view. You will have more honest, productive conversations if you are willing to engage with people with whom you disagree.

8. Giving or receiving feedback

Having the ability to give and receive feedback properly is crucial for constructive communication. Therefore, it is the responsibility of managers and supervisors to continuously provide constructive feedback, whether through email, phone calls, or weekly status updates. 

Giving feedback also involves giving praise – even saying “well done” or “good job” can greatly motivate employees. 

9. Communicate using the appropriate medium

Choosing the correct form of communication is very important. A few severe conversations about salaries, appraisals, promotions are always best conducted in person. However, it may be advantageous if you use email to convey your message to your boss if he is busy. If you communicate thoughtfully, people will appreciate it and respond positively to you.

10. Always be friendly and polite.

When communicating at work, it is necessary to be polite and friendly. The same applies to writing as well as face-to-face communication. You have to make sure to personalize emails to your co-workers and employees. 

If you simply write something like “I hope you have a great day ahead” at the beginning of a message can make the recipient feel appreciated.

Quick Link: list of compliments

Workplace Communication Styles

There are four main communication styles at work: analytical, intuitive, functional, and personal. All styles have their strengths and weaknesses and are better suited to specific tasks than others. 

A manager should recognize these styles during the first conversations they have with a team and use the information they gain to help bridge gaps between the different members.

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Workplace Communication Styles

1. Analytical Communication Style

Analytical communicators tend to rely heavily on figures and statistics. This is because the facts they use as a basis for their decisions and communications are highly valued by themselves. Because of this, they tend to research things long and hard. 

On the other hand, if someone on their team fails to think logically in their decision-making, they become more frustrated. As a result, they may be viewed as heartless or solely motivated by logic by some of their peers. 

Analytical communicators have the advantage of cutting through emotions and getting to the point as quickly as possible. As a result, when it comes to getting their messages across, they’re efficient and effective. Further, by presenting ideas in a calm, measured manner, they can usually influence others.

2. Intuitive Communication Style

A person with intuitive communication guides their contributions based on the final result of a discussion. Unlike analytical thinkers, they are creative thinkers. Their contributions are always focused on achieving a specific end goal. 

They are not too concerned with details and prefer to look at the big picture. They are more focused on their goals than other communication types. The bottom line is their primary concern, and they focus on what it takes to reach that goal. 

It can be frustrating for intuitive communicators because they can sometimes overlook important details.

3. Functional Communication Style

Communicators who like processes are functional communicators. They enjoy seeing how things develop into the final product as they follow step-by-step instructions. When teammates are inspired to be curious, they can grasp the incremental changes needed to complete projects. 

Functional communicators enjoy working with Gantt charts and whiteboards and want their information full of statistics and facts. 

Occasionally, they overlook details within the following steps of a project, which are also characteristic of intuitive communicators. They take ideas and turn them into a reality, usually as implementers.

4. Personal Communication Style

A personal communicator is like the glue that binds a team together. They can see things from a variety of perspectives and understand how ideas are formed.

These individuals serve as mediators when needed, ensuring all parties understand each other’s viewpoints. In addition, those individuals are able to find and inspire trust in others, which gives them an edge when it comes to getting buy-in from others. 

However, conversing with a personal communicator can be uncomfortable for more logical thinkers due to how the discussions are conducted. In addition, personal communicators can be upset when team communication is dull and emotionless.

Types of communication in the workplace

Communication is divided into four forms: verbal, nonverbal, written, and visual. You may find that many situations use one specific type of communication. However, a blend of different types of communications can occur at once in some cases. For example, when you send an email, all of your communication is written, but all four types of communication are used when you give a presentation.

  • Verbal communication
  • Nonverbal communication
  • Written communication
  • Visual communication

1. Verbal communication

Most people communicate verbally. In this process, information is shared by speaking or by using signs. There are various ways to communicate verbally, including face-to-face, mobile telephone, radio, and video conferencing. 

Your employer expects that you have good verbal communication skills if you conduct business meetings, give presentations, and make phone calls.

2. Nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication provides a platform for your thoughts and feelings to be shared through gestures, voice tones, body language, and facial expressions. It’s even possible to communicate non-verbally by how you dress. 

Verbal communication is sometimes enhanced or supported by nonverbal communication. You can reveal your emotions or mood through the tone of your voice or your posture, for example.

3. Written communication

Communication by written means includes communication via typing, printing, or writing. In addition, various forms of communication are used, including letters, text messages, emails, social media, and books. 

Written communications may be preferred by businesses because there is less chance of distortion. Writing a business plan helps to ensure that everyone understands it and can refer back to it anytime in the future.

4. Visual communication

A visual medium is used to share information through graphs, charts, photographs, maps, and logos. This method generally combines verbal and written communication in order to simplify information. 

The audience can more easily comprehend complex information when slides and flow charts are used during a presentation.

How to Improve workplace communication?

Workplace communication is essential to learn for each employee working in an organization. The employees looking for exceptional growth in their career must be proficient in workplace communication. 

Here we have mentioned some of the most effective tips to improve your workplace communication.

How to Improve workplace communication?
  • Be clear, precise, and confident.

Whenever you speak in front of a group, talk loudly and clearly so that everyone can hear you. In order to convey confidence in your ideas, your voice should sound confident. Use positive body language to support your oral communication. The words you choose should match the audience’s understanding. 

  • Pay attention to what is being said. 

Avoid dominating the conversation. Eventually, people will stop listening to you, and your message will be lost. Keeping your words short and straightforward and avoiding fillers is the best way to save space. When you have finished a significant point, pause to take questions or make sure your audience understands. It will make them feel like they are part of the conversation.

  • Prioritize the person you are talking to.

It’s essential to put the other person first, no matter what type of communication you’re using. So use language inclusive of others in that situation if you’re talking verbally. 

Use sentences that describe the situation rather than using the word “you” when writing. Always try to make workplace communication as collaborative as possible to prevent one-sided communication. 

  • Considering the perspectives of others.

Communication can be improved by understanding its nature. Our responsibility as the person communicating is to make sure that whatever we speak must be understood correctly by the person we are communicating with. 

The words we choose or the tone we use in a not context-rich communication, such as written or telephone communication, may convey frustration or a host of different emotions. In other words, self-awareness and empathy allow us to understand how our words will be perceived. 

  • Inform and inspire.

Communication is a means of exchanging information. It is crucial for a leader to explain and clarify their thoughts and ideas. It is not enough to pass on information to your team. Leadership involves inspiring and educating your teams at the same time.

Make sure you plan for meetings and conversations to mix inspiration and information effectively. Again, it might help to have some mentorship or coaching support if you find this challenging.

  • Consider Your Communication Style. 

You rely on your words to convey a majority of the message to your staff. However, communication is affected mainly by the tone and body language you use. As you speak with employees, keep an open and relaxed posture. 

Crossing your arms over the chest is a defensive posture, so place them at your sides instead. Keep your eyes open, smile when it’s appropriate, and nod your head when you’re listening.

  • Feedback should be given thoughtfully and constructively.

Every manager has made these mistakes before, giving rude, tone-deaf feedback that permanently ruins relationships and communication with employees. Instead, it would be best if you learned to give positive feedback in a thoughtful manner.

Here’s a beginner’s tip? Do not concern yourself with the character of the person, but only with their behavior. Give the other person the chance to contribute their thoughts and ideas to the process.

  • Transparency is key.

Let’s say you are working on a large project as a team. When will each team member be expected to hand over what part of the project to the next team member, and what the project’s deadline is? 

Use an Excel Spreadsheet to create a clear walkthrough so that all your team members are on the same page and there is no room for miscommunication.

  • Clearly define roles in groups and projects from the start.

If people do not understand their roles, workplace communication can quickly break down. Workflows must also be transparent. Decide how the project will move forward, who will approve it, and what channels should be followed.

  • Be sure to proofread your writing. 

You must proofread your written communication like emails, letters, and other documents and forms. You can also ask someone to review your emails before sending them. This process will help in finding and removing mistakes and make your communication more effective.

Workplace communication barriers

Employees of any organization must have excellent communication skills. Unfortunately, despite going through a rigorous selection process, employees can still not coordinate with one another fully. 

Communication barriers in the workplace usually lead to this problem. When these communication barriers are ignored, they are likely to persist and negatively impact your employees’ ability to collaborate in real-time. 

Those barriers tend to become more common if you don’t address them. You must overcome these communication barriers to boost employee productivity. Let’s have a look at these workplace communication barriers.

Workplace communication barriers

Insufficient Clarity

At the workplace, communication must be clear. When communicating a clear message, you want to do three things: get to the point quickly, provide context, and make sure that the listener understands. Be respectful, but make sure your listener understands your message.

Language Barrier

This is the biggest issue while communicating at the workplace. Communication should be in a standard language like English at the workplace. However, sometimes it happens that a manager or other employee doesn’t know English. In that case, they won’t be able to communicate effectively.

Not Listening Properly

The communication process is two-way. It is more important to listen than to speak. Engage in active listening and seek feedback. When others are speaking, do not interrupt, repeat key points, and ask for clarification as needed.

Non-Verbal Signs Barrier

It is just as important to pay attention to your movements as to your words. Your body language must convey a message of awareness, friendliness, and acceptance. Be aware of your eye contact when speaking and listening. Avoid gesturing such as frowning or crossing your arms.

Trust issues

Communication cannot be effective when there is no trust. Employees are less likely to communicate effectively when they don’t trust their employers, managers, or leaders. 

Therefore, building trust in the workplace has become an important goal for organizations across the globe. Nevertheless, many employers are still far from being reliable. 

What are the 7 C’s of Communication?

We can communicate at the workplace for the entire day, but it is useless if it’s not practical. In order to make the communication effective, a checklist of seven points has been made that is called 7C’s of communication. If your communication meets all the criteria, then it will be effective too.

The seven Cs state that communication must be: clear, concise, concrete, correct, coherent, complete, and courteous.

1. Clear

Clearly state your objectives or message in writing or when speaking. For example, why do you want to communicate with this person? You won’t be able to convince your audience if you’re uncertain.

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Keep each sentence as short as possible. Make sure the reader understands what you mean. There shouldn’t be a need for people to make assumptions on their own about what you’re saying. Instead, readers must be informed and take action based on precise information and instructions.

2. Concise

Keep it short when you communicate concisely. For example, if you can express your point in three sentences, your audience won’t be interested in reading six.

3. Concrete

Your audience will understand your message more clearly when it is concrete. So there should be clear facts, accurate data, no mistakes in your message.

4. Correct

When you communicate correctly, it fits your audience. Accurate communication is error-free as well. Correctness depends on three things.

  • How appropriate are the technical terms you use for your audience?
  • Is your writing grammatically correct? Don’t rely on spell checkers to catch everything.
  • Is the spelling of all titles and names correct?

5. Coherent

It is logical when you communicate coherently. There is consistency in the tone and flow of the text message, and all points are relevant to the core topic.

6. Complete

When the audience receives a complete message, they have all the information they need to take action.

  • Can your audience clearly understand what you want them to do if your message includes a “call to action”?
  • Do you include all the relevant information – contact information, dates, times, locations, etc.?

7. Courteous

An open, friendly, and honest communication is courteous. Passive-aggressive tones and hidden insults are not present. You’re sensitive to the needs of your readers, and you consider their viewpoints.

Books on workplace communication

If you want to study and learn about workplace communication in detail, we can recommend some outstanding books on effective workplace communication. We have made a list of five good books about workplace communication. Have a look at these five books.

Books on workplace communication

1.Effective Communication in the Workplace: Learn How to Communicate Effectively and Avoid Common Barriers to Effective Communication 

This book is written by Anthony Gutierez and published on November 13, 2014. This book is available in English Language and includes 36 pages. 

If you are looking to improve your workplace communication, then this is a book for you. It’s a small book and not that expensive, so you can start reading with this book.

2. Effective Communication at Work: Speaking and Writing Well in the Modern Workplace

 This book is written by Vicki Mcleod. This book was published on June 2, 2020. We have gone through the reviews of this book, most of these reviews are positive. You can find this book on Amazon without any hussle. This book consists of 186 pages and is available in the English Language.

3. Workplace Communication 1st Edition

The authors of this book are Leena Mikkola and Maarit Valo and published on November 28, 2019. By reading this book, you can develop and implement strong communication practices so that your organization runs efficiently, collaborates successfully, and operates with consistency. 

It explains how communication between employees is essential for sustaining a productive and healthy workplace. This book is suitable for employees, directors, supervisors, managers, instructors, and consultants.

4. Workplace Communications: The Basics, MLA Update (7th Edition) 7th Edition

This book was published on July 27, 2019, and written by George J. Searles.

It is available on Amazon, and readers’ reviews are good enough to read it for once.

The author of this book takes a practical approach to reading, writing, and communicating on the job, covering the essentials in a straightforward manner suitable for all students.

5. Effective Communication in the Workplace: A Practical Guide to Improve Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace for Better Environment, Client Relationships, and Employee Engagement 

The author of this book is David L.Lewis and was published on March 29, 2019. In this book, you will get all the information about internal, external, group workplace communication and how to communicate effectively at work.

The other topics are how to deal with a demanding boss and still making your job safe, choosing to get better at explaining things at work, steps of developing practical workplace communication skills, techniques to build and display open-mindedness, empathy, and respect in workplace communication, workplace communication techniques and more.


We have focused on delivering the best and most accurate information based on workplace communication that will help you to improve your workplace communication skills. However, this article will only help you if you will try to implement these skills at your workplace. Once you start implementing, you will start getting results, and it will motivate you to know further about workplace communication. 

We hope that this article will be beneficial for you; you can give your feedback about suggestions and ideas traveling in your mind in the comment section. Also, you can check out other exciting and more knowledgeable articles on our website to improve your communication skills.

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