High-Protein Foods That Shrink Belly Fat

What may seem like an obvious choice, choosing specific meats as a source of protein in your diet can make all the difference when it comes to shedding fat

Lean meats

Skinless chicken, turkey, pork loin, bison, white flesh fish, salmon, and shrimp—will contain a high level of protein with low calories

Chickpeas are what's known as a complete protein because they contain all nine essential amino acids," which play a key role in metabolism and body function


The high protein and fiber contents of chickpeas help to keep you fuller longer, which is important if you're trying to lose weight and maintain it.

Whole-grain foods are another group that has huge rewards in terms of protein. Quinoa for example—can act as a carb-like substitute for rice or pasta


The plant-based protein source will easily fill you up and support your fat loss goals, by contributing to building more muscle and a strong metabolism.

 Black beans are a complex carbohydrate that is gluten-free and plant-based and sources both high levels of protein and healthy fiber.

 Black beans

The subjects of the study found they had lost significant body fat, reduced their waist circumference, and lowered their blood pressure and total cholesterol

Dairy products don't have the best reputation in supplementing a solid fat loss journey, but for many people consuming more dairy

dairy products

 low-fat Greek yogurt, can support your body's need for natural dairy-based nutrients (such as calcium) and a high source of protein.

 Mainly found in dairy products like milk and cheese. It's created during the curdling process of making milk and cheese

Whey protein

 The most important group of whey, in terms of fat loss, is the branched chain of amino acids (BCAA's)—leucine, isoleucine, and valine


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