Psychological Facts About Love and Crushes

Psychological Facts About Love and Crushes

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Despite the poetic and musical expressions of romantic sentiments, love remains a vexing enigma. What can psychologists and anthropologists say about how and why individuals fall in love? They can shed light on the science of love. Here are some interesting psychological truths about love and infatuation that we uncovered after poring over reams of research and books.

20 Psychological Facts About Love and Crushes

1. First, the brain, not the heart, falls in love, not the heart

Many experts have argued over whether it is the brain or the heart that makes us fall in love. Stephanie Ortigue, a professor at Syracuse University, feels that the brain is ultimately responsible, albeit the heart is a factor. Ortigue noted in the Journal of Sexual Medicine that “activation in specific regions of the brain can cause stimulations to the heart, butterflies in the stomach.” When we feel a symptom in our heart, it’s possible that it’s actually a symptom of something else in our brain.

2. The heartbeats of couples begin to match up.

Even if you’re in a long-term relationship and your heart skips a beat as your crush walks by, researchers found that your hearts may be beating in sync. The University of California-Davis has undertaken a study that reveals that there are physiological signals between two people in love. When two people are in a relationship, their hearts begin to beat at the same pace. Even if it may be difficult to tell on your own, having a strong relationship with your partner is a good method to survive the quarantine.

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3. Love dumbs you down to the core.

When people fall in love, they may do or say things that they later regret. Sexual excitement has been shown to inhibit critical thinking, self-awareness, and rationality in the brain. To avoid making blunders and unfortunate decisions in a new relationship, it blocks the prefrontal cortex of the brain.

4. In the fourth place, perfection

Isn’t it wonderful to have a crush on someone? Nothing is wrong with them; they’re just fine as they are. You don’t care if the individual is the demon from hell and has the worst personality on the earth! People appear to be 20% more beautiful to you when you have a crush on them, according to research.

5. Dreams trump reality.

How many people know that having an imaginary chat with a crush is sweeter than having an actual interaction with the same person? There are a lot of starry lights in the backdrop when you’re fantasizing about your infatuation, but in reality, things are much clearer.

6. Heartbeats pounding

Having a crush on someone can cause your heart to beat quicker when they text or phone you. When you are attracted to someone, your brain releases adrenaline and norepinephrine into your bloodstream. As soon as you hear your crush’s voice, your heart will race.

7. Avoiding eye contact is the seventh step.

When a male has a crush on you, he is more likely to maintain eye contact with you than a girl, according to psychology. In the event that she appears to be ignoring or turning her back on you when you approach her, this indicates that she is attracted to you as well!

8. There is no need to be newlyweds to fall in love.

As if the “honeymoon time” of a relationship weren’t enough, a 2011 study found that even after decades of marriage you might still be in love with the same person you were when the relationship began. Stony Brook University researchers in New York performed MRI scans on couples who had been married an average of 21 years. Scan results from a previous investigation of couples in a newer relationship were compared. Long-term married couples and freshly-in-love couples had the same degree of activity in dopamine-rich areas of the brain, according to the researchers. The study found that when a relationship progresses, the initial tension fades, but the original spark remains.

9. Attraction stems from a desire for the other person.

Dopamine and norepinephrine are released when one is attracted, while estrogen and testosterone are responsible for lust. In the brain regions that regulate “reward” behavior, people show attraction, according to comprehensive studies by Fisher. A lot of Fisher’s research has revealed that when people are in love, their brains light up when they see an image of a person they’re enamored with. To understand why a romantic connection can be exhilarating at the beginning, it is helpful to understand that love is founded on feelings of obsessiveness.

10. The most common reason for getting married is falling in love.

About nine out of ten Americans, according to a 2013 survey by the Pew Research Center, indicated that love was a significant component in their decision to marry, while just 28% said that financial security was a significant factor in their decision.

Final wording from author

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