How to Deal with Family Members That Disrespect You

How to Deal with Family Members That Disrespect You

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Having a family connection is one example. On the other hand, family members tend to be the most difficult to deal with because of their closeness to us. Friends, coworkers, lovers, or neighbors can be tough to deal with for a while, either until the issue is resolved or you can remove yourself from the situation. This is the case with problematic acquaintances. For the sake of the group’s unity, we feel required to go the extra mile with family. In other words, a family’s well-being may be impacted by its members’ connections. If you don’t get along with a member of your own family, it could harm the rest of your family.

How to Deal with Family Members That Disrespect You

1. First and foremost, be present and direct in your communication

A person who is trying to start a fight with you can easily set you off, both emotionally and physically, causing your pulse rate and blood pressure to go up. Stay calm and try not to get caught up in the “fight or flight” reflex. You don’t want to get into a fight or a heated debate. Stay faithful to your values and principles, and never compromise them. When expressing your thoughts and feelings, be clear and concise. Focus on how you respond, not on what happened. Once things get too heated, it’s time to stop and think about what you can do to make things better for everyone. If the conversation reaches this point, end it and go away.

2. Assist them in expressing their emotions.

For all you know, they may be going through a bad patch and this is their method of dealing with it. How they treat you may change if you can help them overcome their difficulties. And you may end up deepening your relationship by lending a helping hand.

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3. They blame one another for their own failures.

It’s common for a parent, sibling, or other family members to point the finger of blame at someone else, including you. A person’s refusal to accept responsibility for their actions or conduct may not be the main cause of a problem, but it is a warning sign.

4. It’s important to pick your conflicts carefully.

You’ll need a lot of stamina if you have to deal with toxic people. It is not necessary to accept every challenge that comes your way. Toxic people are often only able to connect with each other through confrontation. It’s the way they feel alive, acknowledged, and important that makes them feel this way. Invest your time and effort in those who truly matter.

5. Be on the lookout for topics that could be a trigger.

Disagreements will inevitably arise when discussing some topics. Be aware of these subjects and pay attention when they come up. It’s important to draw on your past experiences when dealing with these sensitive topics. Make sure you’re prepared to address these issues non-confrontational or redirect the disagreement if the situation gets too heated.

6. Assemble Yourself Mentally for Interactions

Based on your previous interactions with this person, imagine what this encounter will be like. As soon as you become aware of a family member’s behavioral pattern, it’s easy to identify them. Prepare yourself mentally for any eventualities that may arise based on their previous behavior. You may find it easier to respond appropriately if you do this.

7. Set Boundaries for Discussions

Making an “I” statement is a great way to get started on a solution. This can be followed up with a question such as, “Can we come back to this subject at another time when we are calmer?” For example, “I can’t talk with you when you are yelling because I am anxious and uncomfortable.” Talking too much might make problems worse, therefore it’s sometimes best to just walk away from a poor situation with a tough family member. Instead, make it clear to the other person that you will not engage in an argumentative exchange, and then stick to your guns.

8. Look for the Good in Every Situation

Make a list of all the things you appreciate about your family member before you meet with them, and then mentally separate who they are as a person from their actions. You’ll be better prepared to deal with the things that irritate you if you concentrate on the positive instead of the negative. In addition, because your stress level isn’t already elevated before you even see the individual, it’s easier for you to engage calmly with them once you do meet them.

9. In other words, don’t get caught up in the problem.

To keep you from leaving their toxic company, they will bind you to the ground and keep you there. Playing over and over in your mind the enormity of their messed-up behavior is what will hinder you from moving forward. It will make you angry, depressed, and helpless. Instead, focus on the mess it’s clearing up instead of the person who’s making your life a living hell if you have to make a decision you don’t want to. Focusing on their negative behavior is pointless when there’s so much else to look at.

10. Things may get much worse before they finally leave you.

Let’s imagine a child who’s having a tantrum. When you don’t back down, they’ll push you harder for a while. When something we’re doing isn’t working, we tend to keep doing it until it is. Those who are toxic are no exception. The more they try to dominate and manipulate you, the more likely they will give up and find a new target. Their escalation doesn’t mean you should stop. On the contrary, this is a sign that you’re educating them to stop behaving in a way that no longer serves their needs. So don’t back down from your decision to close them down and allow them some time to get used to it.

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Final wording from author

Tips and suggestions are great, but they won’t magically transform your relationship overnight. In the end, the best technique is to focus on yourself and the things you can do to deal with challenging members of your family. Consult a mental health expert if you’re feeling helpless or hopeless in dealing with your family’s issues. Consider family counseling if you think your loved ones might be open to it.

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